Valentine’s Day Challenge Workout


Workout equipment:

Workout type: Challenge

Timer setting: Stopwatch

Repeat 10x:

10 Burpees
10 Sit ups

Bonus: 10 Bridges

Watch the full workout video:


Leave your time in the comments below.

My time for today’s workout: 9:58

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10 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day Challenge Workout”

  1. 12:40…….. those situps really are hard for me to crank out fast. Bridge plus a few jumping pull ups. Pullups definitely improving – am super excited about that!

  2. 18:07 – I almost didn’t want to post my time as it is waaay outside everyone else’s, but I gotta say, I was soooo happy to get through this challenge!!!! It was really tough for me, and after finishing, I was so pumped, I couldn’t have been any more excited, felt like I’d won Gold at the Winter Olympics!!

    • Sharon, you should definitely be proud of yourself! This is a TOUGH workout, it takes a lot to push through it. Just the fact that you finished is awesome. Keep up the hard work and next time you try it you WILL be faster, I know it!

  3. Still working away Krista.
    Added 10 prisoner squats with the mix today for 14:10! Just turned 53 and celebrated by putting my retirement letter in. Will be just shy of 35 yrs as a cop so its time to start a new chapter. Plan on doing your workouts well into my “golden years”!

    BTW I think the guy with the cane in your video was enjoying your workout too! LOL

    Cheers and thanks!


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