Workout equipment:
Workout type: 12 minute
Timer setting: 18 x :10 x :30
1. Burpees
2. Pull ups
3. High knees
4. Pistols
5. Burpee pull ups
6. Twisted hanging knee raises
Watch the full video for today’s workout:
Leave your reps in the comments below.
My reps for today’s workout:
Burpees: 9, 9, 9
Pull ups: 12, 12, 11
High knees: 114, 113, 111
Pistols: 13, 13, 13
Burpee pull ups: 6, 6, 6
Twisted hanging knee raises: 11, 14, 17
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Pull-ups (assisted w/ 10-30 lbs as fatigued): 10
hi knees:100
pistols ((modified): 12
burpee chin ups: 4
twisted hanging knee raises: 17
definitely a tough one for me…going to get those pull-ups w/o assistance one day though….
That’s so awesome Kristin!
Burpees 7 6 5
Pike Push Ups 17 12 16
High Knees 104, 104, 102
Pistols 12 10 12
Burpee Pushups 6 6 6
V Ups 9 9 10
Any suggestions for body weight substitutions for twisted hanging knee raises?
Awesome!!! You could do bicycles or medicine ball twists (substitute any heavy thing for the medicine ball)