Summer Shorts Weather Outdoor HIIT Workout

It’s time for another outdoor HIIT workout—this one is an awesome one you can do now that it’s officially summer shorts season.

All you’ll need for this workout is a jump rope (this one’s my favorite) and some sort of elevated surface like a box or a bench. You have to give it absolutely everything you’ve got or you won’t get the most out of this workout.

Here’s what you’re going to do: You’re going to set an interval timer for 18 rounds of 10 and 30 second intervals. Rest on the 10 second ones, then work as hard as you possibly can on the 30 second ones. Here are the exercises you’ll be going through:

1. Burpee box jumps
2. Push up hops
3. High knees w/ jump rope
4. Squat step ups
5. Snowboarder jumps
6. Hollow body rocks

You’ll end up going through each exercise three times until that final timer beeps.

And remember, hold nothing back! You have to give these workouts everything you’ve got—if you don’t, you won’t get sweaty, you won’t get stronger, and you won’t burn as much fat as you could have if you’d just worked a little bit harder.

You’ve got this you guys—it’s only 12 minutes!

Workout Instructions


Workout equipment:

Workout type: 12 minute

Timer setting: 18 x :10 x :30

1. Burpee box jumps
2. Push up hops
3. High knees w/ jump rope
4. Squat step ups
5. Snowboarder jumps
6. Hollow body rocks


Leave your reps in the comments below.

My reps for today’s workout:

Burpee box jumps (6, 6, 6)
Push up hops (23, 20, 18)
High knees w/ jump rope (97, 98, 98)
Squat step ups (9, 9, 9)
Snowboarder jumps (21, 20, 20)
Hollow body rocks (22, 19, 17)

Did you do this workout?

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