Outdoor Jump Rope HIIT Workout (+ Video!)

Now that the weather is finally starting to warm up, I wanted to give you guys a really fun jump rope-based workout you can do outside—not in a stuffy gym.

Jump ropes are one of my very favorite tools because you can stick them in your purse, in your backpack, in your suitcase, or wherever. Bring them anywhere with you! They’re an awesome tool to mix up your workouts.

(This is one of my favorite jump ropes!)

Here’s what you’re going to be doing during this workout:

Get an interval timer and set it for 18 rounds of :10 and :30 intervals. Rest on the :10 ones, then work as hard as you possibly can on the :30 ones.

No holding back!

Here are the exercises you’ll be going through:

1. Double unders or single unders
2. Reptile push ups
3. Snowboarder jumps
4. High knees w/ jump rope
5. Burpee lateral jumps
6. Mountain climber crosses

This workout takes only 12 minutes of your day, so you have no excuse not to do it!

And if you don’t have a jump rope yet, get one—they’re $5 at any sporting goods store or online and they’re an awesome workout tool.

Happy spring training!

Workout Instructions


Workout equipment:

Workout type: 12 minute

Timer setting: 18 x :10 x :30

1. Double unders or single unders
2. Reptile push ups
3. Snowboarder jumps
4. High knees w/ jump rope
5. Burpee lateral jumps
6. Mountain climber crosses


Leave your reps in the comments below.

My reps for today’s workout:

Double unders or single unders (54, 53, 54)
Reptile push ups (17, 16, 16)
Snowboarder jumps (23, 21, 20)
High knees w/ jump rope (96, 97, 97)
Burpee lateral jumps (8, 8, 8)
Mountain climber crosses (77, 76, 77)

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