Today we’ve got another workout for you that you can do in your backyard, at a nearby park, or wherever you have just a little bit of space.
All you need is a medicine ball and you’ll be good to go!
Here’s what you’re going to do:
You’ll first need to set a timer to count down from 12 minutes. Then you’ll do as many rounds of the following exercises as possible before the timer beeps:
10 Burpee tuck jumps
20 Medicine ball slams
10 Burpee lateral jumps (over the medicine ball)
10 Medicine ball jackknives
20 Medicine ball twists
Work as hard as you possibly can you guys! It’s only 12 minutes so you have to really give it your all to get the most out of this workout.
Make sure to check out the short video above for a quick explanation and demonstrations of each of the exercises in today’s workout.
Here are the full workout instructions for today’s workout brought to you in partnership with MET-Rx:
Workout equipment:
Workout type: AMRAP
Timer setting: Countdown
Repeat as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes:
10 Burpee tuck jumps
20 Medicine ball slams
10 Burpee lateral jumps (over medicine ball)
10 Medicine ball jackknives
20 Medicine ball twists
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