Crazy Conditioning AMRAP Challenge Workout


Workout equipment:

Workout type: AMRAP

Timer setting: Countdown

Do as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:

100 High knees w/ jump rope
10 Diamond push ups
30 Double unders (substitute 60 single unders if you can’t do double unders yet)
10 Side lunges
50 High knees w/ jump rope
10 Plank pike jumps

Watch the full workout video:


Leave your rounds in the comments below.

My rounds for today’s workout: 4 + 5 side lunges

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7 thoughts on “Crazy Conditioning AMRAP Challenge Workout”

  1. 4 rounds +5 double unders. Finally able to do double unders consecutively and it is so awesome and pushes me so much harder.

  2. 4 rounds, Krista!

    This is my first workout off your site, and I am positively thrilled! I love to challenge myself physically, but I don’t have a whole of time/space to exercise this way… especially now that college semester has started again.

    I have a martial arts background, TaeKwondo and starting Brazilian JiuJitsu, and I am super excited to see some of the kickboxing videos you have mentioned recently!

    Thanks for the great program and encouragement!

    I hope to see more soon!


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