Burpees and Kettlebell Mania HIIT Workout


Workout equipment:

Workout type: 12 minute

Timer setting: 18 x :10 x :30

1. Kettlebell swings
2. Pull ups
3. Burpees
4. Air squats
5. Burpee pull ups
6. Knee raises

View the full workout video:


Leave your reps in the comments below.

My reps for today’s workout:

Kettlebell swings: 17, 16, 17
Pull ups (jumping): 13, 12, 12
Burpees: 9, 9, 9
Air squats: 23, 22, 22
Burpee pull ups: 6, 6, 6
Knee raises: 17, 18, 18

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4 thoughts on “Burpees and Kettlebell Mania HIIT Workout”

  1. Are there any modifications to this? I can kind of do a pull up, but the gym where I do my workouts doesn’t really have a good set up for the pull up burpee combo. Just do more burpees and more pull ups separately?


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