260 Rep Breathless Challenge Workout


Workout equipment:

Workout type: Challenge

Timer setting: Stopwatch

Repeat 4x:

10 Burpee pull ups
15 Reptile push ups
20 Snowboarder jumps
10 Knee raises
5 Pistols / leg

Watch the full workout video:


Leave your time in the comments below.

My time for today’s workout: 12:02

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7 thoughts on “260 Rep Breathless Challenge Workout”

  1. Such a great workout…really sweating on this one! Have my husband doing them with me now that he is home from his deployment, and we both finished at the same time, 11mintues 36 seconds. Doing it with someone else really pushes up the competition factor, so I think that’s how we knocked it out so quickly. Thanks for posting another fun one!

  2. First workout in 3 months and my time was 26:49. Definitely a long time but I didn’t cheat the workout and finished it! So proud of myself.


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