I’ve got another awesome workout for you guys today—one you can do with zero equipment and there’s no gym necessary.
You don’t need anything but your own bodyweight to do it, so I highly suggest you try doing the workout outside. It’s really nice to get some fresh air while you’re working out (ok, unless it’s above 100° out, then please go find some air conditioning).
Here’s what you’re going to be doing:
You’ll set an interval timer to count down from 12 minutes. Then you’ll be doing as many rounds as possible of:
20 180° switch jumps
10 Boxer push ups
20 Speed skater lunges
10 Traveling burpee tuck jumps
20 Split leg v ups
And remember, to get the most out of this workout, you have to work as hard as you possibly can. So no holding back!
If you have more to give, give it. You’ve got this you guys.
Workout instructions
Workout equipment:
Workout type: AMRAP
Timer setting: Countdown
Do as many rounds in 12 minutes as you can:
20 180° switch jumps
10 Boxer push ups
20 Speed skater lunges
10 Traveling burpee tuck jumps
20 Split leg v ups
Leave your number of rounds in the comments below.
My rounds for today’s workout: 4 + 8 180 switch jumps
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I love your website – I managed 5 sets 2 jumps & a vomit! My legs r way shorter btw