Speed Demon AMRAP Challenge Workout


Workout equipment:

Workout type: AMRAP

Timer setting: Countdown timer

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes:

20 Double unders
10 Push ups
20 Air squats
5 Handstand push ups
5 V ups

Watch the full video of today’s workout:


Leave your number of rounds in the comments below.

My rounds for today’s workout: 5 rounds + 1 air squat

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13 thoughts on “Speed Demon AMRAP Challenge Workout”

  1. Did this yesterday and didn’t trust my counts. So repeated it today and kept better tabs.
    Yesterday, I think, I did 5 rounds plus 20 squats into sixth round; today 6 rounds plus 10 pushups into 7th round- granted my handstand pushups are probably pathetic,because my elbows bend only a little bit and due to not being able to do double unders consistently yet, I substituted 40 single unders . Wohoo!

    • Christina, all that matters is that you’re giving it your all. That’s an awesome score! And handstand push ups are seriously HARD – even bending just a little is something to be proud of. Same with double unders – keep practicing and you’ll get them with time. Nice work!


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